Filmmaker Kate Tsang on Monday was awarded a $1 million grant from AT&T Presents: Untold Stories, based on her pitch for the coming-of-age comedy “Marvelous and the Black Hole.”
The film follows teenage delinquent Sammy Ko, who teams up with a surly children’s party magician on a bizarre adventure to navigate her tumultuous home life and inner demons.
With the grant, Tsang and producing partner Carolyn Mao aim to go into production — with a goal of premiering the completed project at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival. In addition, AT&T and the Tribeca Film Institute — which collaborate on the inclusive film program — will assist on awards submissions, qualifying screenings, promotion and a distribution strategy.
The four other finalists — all women of color as writers and directors — each received $10,000 grants. “Expatriates” writer-director Kaliya Warren received an additional $40,000 grant after winning the most votes on Twitter in the Film Fan Favorite contest.
“We are convinced that the five filmmakers we heard today will all be making their films – because of their determination, forthrightness and vision,” said Fiona Carter, AT&T Communications Chief Brand Officer, on behalf of the Greenlight Committee. “We were struck by Kate Tsang’s command of story and subject. We admire her film’s universal appeal and singular imaginative concept. It has a lively spirit, a nuanced balance of humor and emotion, and is a perspective you don’t normally see on screen.”