Kamala Harris Calls Out Tulsi Gabbard for Fox News Appearances, Trump Meeting and Assad Stance (Video)

At Wednesday’s Democratic debate, Harris and Gabbard went head-to-head over the latter’s record

Senator Kamala Harris criticized elements of Representative Tulsi Gabbard’s past track record during Wednesday’s debate, pointing out Gabbard’s regular appearances as a guest commentator on Fox News and pointed to reports that she buddied up with former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon to meet with President Donald Trump.

Gabbard was asked by a moderator what she saw as the “rot” in the Democratic party — a term she has used to describe Hillary Clinton.

“Our Democratic party is unfortunately not the party of, by, and for the people. It is a party that has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign-policy establishment represented by Hillary Clinton, the military-industrial complex and other greedy interests,” Gabbard said. “I’m running for president to be the Democratic nominee that rebuilds our Democratic party, takes it out of their hands, and truly puts it in the hands of the people of this country … who are calling for an end to this ongoing Bush-Clinton-Trump foreign policy doctrine, of regime change wars … and instead invest our hard-earned taxpayer dollars actually into serving the needs of American people right here at home.”

“Senator Harris, any response?” the moderators asked.

“Oh, sure. I think that it’s unfortunate that we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for the United States who, during the Obama administration, spent four years, full time, on Fox News criticizing President Obama,” Harris said.

“That’s ridiculous, Senator Harris,” Gabbard interjected.

“Who has spent, full time, criticizing people on this stage as affiliated with the Democratic party,” Harris continued, “when Donald Trump was elected, not even sworn in, buddied up to Steve Bannon to get a meeting with Donald Trump in the Trump Tower; fails to call a war criminal by what he is as a war criminal; and then spends full time during the course of this campaign, again, criticizing the Democratic party.”

“What Senator Harris is doing is unfortunately continuing to traffic in smears and lies and innuendos because she cannot challenge the substance of the argument that I’m making, the leadership and the change I am seeking to bring in our foreign policy,” Gabbard responded.

Watch Harris go in on Gabbard above.

Lawrence Yee contributed to this report.
