Kaley Cuoco took a break from her holiday celebrations this weekend to help rescue a baby sea lion in need of assistance.
In a post on Instagram late Friday, the “Big Bang Theory” star described finding a baby sea lion “who was obviously lost and in pain” near her family’s California beach house. “I called the 24 hour [Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute hotline] and asked if someone could come help him. They promised me a volunteer but I was unsure it would happen since it’s Thanksgiving!”
Thankfully volunteers were able to come out and help protect and rescue the animal despite the holiday weekend.
“They all showed up to help!!” Cuoco wrote. “My heart is full and I’m thankful these gracious people left their Thanksgiving plans to help an animal in need. Doesn’t get better than that.”
In a follow-up post, Cuoco shared a photo of Sandy the Sea Lion (“yes I named him”), adding that the animal was taken to the CIMWI facility in Santa Barbara, where it will be rehabilitated for release back to the wild.
“Happy Thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for it’s overwhelming,” Cuoco wrote. “My family, new family, new husband, fabulous friends, incredible job, all my 4 legged children… this life!”