GQ Man of the Year Justin Timberlake: ‘I Feel Like a Bunch of People Just Took a Sh-t on My Face’

The new coverboy admits he has a tough time taking criticism

Justin Timberlake got the cover honors for GQ‘s annual men of the year issue, but that’s not enough. After a rare round of bad press for his turn in the flop “Runner Runner” and number one album “The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2,” the actor-singer-etc. railed against his critics.

“I feel–literally–like a bunch of people just took a shit on my face,” Timberlake told his interviewer. “Where did all this vitriol come from? It’s mean. And I’m not cut out for it.”

Also read: Justin Timberlake Gets Driven Over the Edge by Elvis Presley’s Granddaughter in ‘TKO’ (Video)

“The movie didn’t do well at the box office, so I should quit?” he said, referring to a Variety column that urged him to quit acting altogether. “Hold on a second. If I was somebody else, you wouldn’t have said that. I have the number one album this week, and I shouldn’t have released it? Come on, man. You sound like a dickhead … It just shocked me because, like, you’re trade magazines. None of your opinions count. And by the way, none of you can do it.”

With that, Timberlake concluded that “sometimes I just want to fucking kill everybody” before calming down and going with: “I don’t see myself as someone who’s ever going to be defined by one moment. It’s on to the next.”

Timberlake isn’t GQ’s only man of the year — Will FerrellJames Gandolfini, Kendrick Lamar and Matthew McConaughey were also feted.
