Julie Andrews has been cast as Lady Whistledown in Netflix’s upcoming untitled “Bridgerton” series based on Julia Quinn’s best-selling novels. Executive produced by Shonda Rhimes, Betsy Beers and Chris Van Dusen, who created the series, the eight-episode, hour-long drama is set in London and will premiere in 2020.
Per Netflix, “Based on Julia Quinn’s best-selling series of novels, ‘Bridgerton,’ is set in the sexy, lavish and competitive world of Regency London high society. From the glittering ballrooms of Mayfair to the aristocratic palaces of Park Lane and beyond, the series unveils a seductive, sumptuous world replete with intricate rules and dramatic power struggles, where no one is truly ever on steady ground. At the heart of the show is the powerful Bridgerton family. Comprised of eight close-knit siblings, this funny, witty, daring and clever group must navigate the upper ten thousand’s marriage mart in search of romance, adventure and love.”
The streaming service describes Andrews’ character as “Anonymous to readers, this mysterious, sharp-tongued gossip writer uses a curious mix of social commentary and scathing insult to send the season of 1813’s ton into an all-out frenzy.”
Julie Andrews is an actress and singer of the stage and screen, known for roles including Maria Von Trapp in 1965’s movie-musical “The Sound of Music,” as well as “Mary Poppins,” “Victor/Victoria,” and for playing the queen of Genovia in “The Princess Diaries” and its sequel.