"What Maisie Knew," a drama starring Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan as parents fighting for the custody of their six-year-old daughter, explores divorce from a unique perspective: the child's eye.
The modern adaptation of Henry James' 19th century novel of the same name stars newcomer Onata Aprile as the adorable little girl caught in the middle of her parents squabbling.
Also read: Cinedigm, Tribeca Film Buy Into Julianne Moore as a Repressed English Teacher
When Coogan is awarded custody after getting remarried to his daughter's former nanny (Joanna Vanderham), Moore — an aging rock star — pulls the same stunt by enticing a young man, played by Alexander Skarsgard, into yet another loveless marriage.
The trailer suggests that Maisie ends up latching onto Skarsgard while tuning out her parents bitter bickering and Coogan's young wife may develop feelings for the "True Blood" star, as well.
"Maisie" premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last fall and is receiving a theatrical release this spring.
Here's the trailer: