Joy Villa Explains Her ‘Choose Life’ Grammys Gown Featuring Handpainted Fetus (Exclusive)

“I am proudly #ProLife, without any judgment to those to choose otherwise,” singer tells TheWrap

Joy Villa Grammys Pro Choice

Pop singer Joy Villa said she wanted to deliver a strong antiabortion message at the 60th Grammy Awards on Sunday by wearing a dress decorated with the handpainted image of a human fetus.

Villa said she wore the dress to raise awareness about adoption as a viable alternative to abortion. “I am proudly #ProLife, without any judgment to those to choose otherwise,” she told TheWrap. “I believe in loving the child and the mother.”

The image was a sonogram of her own daughter that Villa painted in 2007 when she was eight months pregnant, said the singer, adding that she put the child up for adoption after carrying the pregnancy to term.

“I worked with AmericanAdoptions to adopt out my baby to a wonderful and loving family. I’m incredibly blessed to have given life and I hope to encourage any woman in this similarly difficult and painful situation to choose adoption. It’s not easy, but it’s one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done. I put her life over mine,” she said.

“I encourage women to think for themselves and gain all the facts before making their own personal decision,” she added. “Having options like adoption can empower women to do what they feel is right. For me, it was choosing life.”

Villa said the Pronovias dress came from The Bridal Garden, a New York City nonprofit and that the proceeds of the sale would be donated to a Brooklyn charter school supporting underprivileged minority youth. In addition to the dress, the singer also sported a handbag emblazoned with the politically charged slogan “choose life.”

It’s not the first time Villa has used couture to promote GOP talking points. At the Grammys last year, she wore a pro-Trump “Make American Great Again” dress, which caused a minor stir.

Before she went political, Villa was typically known for edgy and revealing outfits like this 2015 number made entirely of orange construction fencing, or a 2016 dress made mostly out of fabric spikes.

The political stunt comes as Villa released a new album, “Home Sweet Home,” which debuted at No. 7 for new releases on Amazon in the pop category.
