Former Journey Frontman Steve Perry Performs for First Time in 19 Years (Video)

The singer performed Journey classic “Open Arms” with indie rock band Eels

Former Journey frontman Steve Perry took the stage for the first time since 1995 on Sunday night when he sang with indie rock band Eels during a concert in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The 65-year-old elusive rock star surprised the audience at the Fitgerzald Theater during Eels second encore, and sang the band’s 2000 cult hit “It’s a Motherf—er.”

Also read: The Long Journey to Making ‘Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey’

“I love that song. When I first heard it, someday I wanted to sing it. Tonight was the first time I ever sang it,” Perry said during the performance (above). “I don’t know why the Eels don’t do my music.”

That was the cue for the band to launch into classic Journey tune “Open Arms,” followed by “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’.”

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Perry left Journey in 1987, but reunited with the band in 1996 to record “Trial By Fire.” A hip injury, however, prevented Perry from touring after the album’s release. He eventually left the band again after putting off a hip replacement surgery for two years, and singer Steve Augeri filled in for the band’s delayed tour.

These days, the arena rock band is fronted by Arnel Pineda, a former cover band singer whose rise from anonymity to rock star is captured in 2012 documentary “Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey.”
