Josh Duggar is seen with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in this Twitter picture posted on May 19.
Duggar poses with former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and daughter Bristol in a photo tweeted on Feb. 26.
On May 10, Duggar tweeted this picture marking former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum’s birthday.
Duggar tweeted this picture on May 16, after meeting with presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
Duggar posted this picture with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul on Instagram two years ago, writing “#standwithrand.”
Duggar was “catching up” with ex-Florida Governor Jeb Bush and tweeted this photo on Jan. 21.
On May 6, Duggar met with presidential hopeful Ted Cruz and posted this picture on Twitter, complimenting Cruz’s “passion for America.”
Duggar was seen hanging out with Florida senator Marco Rubio, in a Twitter picture posted in 2013.
Josh Duggar and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus spent time together at the March For Life rally on January 22.
Duggar is seen with Oklahoma Senator James Lankford in a picture posted on Twitter on February 27.