MSNBC Host Jonathan Capehart’s Aunt Gloria Gets Sassy About Rich People Going to Space (Video)

“If people got money to go up to space, they can afford to pay more taxes,” she says

Aunt gloria

MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart brought his Aunt Gloria back to “The Sunday Show” this week and, as always, she had pearls of wisdom for viewers. That said, her words were more of a scolding for billionaires — particularly those involved in the latest space race.

Capehart asked his aunt for her thoughts on the struggles President Biden is facing with getting his Build Back Better plan approved. For Gloria, the key is simply getting it done no matter what it takes, and giving the Biden Administration a win. And no, she doesn’t care about the price tag attached to it.

“The price tag shouldn’t matter because you need to tax the rich,” Aunt Gloria said. “If people got money to go up to space, they can afford to pay more taxes.”

At that, her nephew cracked up, Twitter exploded, and though she laughed along, she was absolutely dead serious.

“If I’m paying more taxes than some guy going up in space, that’s a problem,” she added.

Obviously, Capehart’s aunt was referring to the likes of Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, who both went to space earlier this year. According to Fortune, it cost Bezos at least $5.5 billion for his New Shepard rocket to be shot into space – which is $1.38 billion per minute of weightlessness. And Branson’s flight? A mere $841 million, Forbes estimates.

“I really think we need a win right now,” Gloria said. “You know, get people motivated before the election, and to keep the Democrats in power. But what [Biden’s] got to do is move faster. Don’t waste time with the Republicans.”

You can watch the full moment from Capehart’s Aunt Gloria on “The Sunday Show” in the video below.
