Jonah Lehrer ‘Lost Himself Morally’: John Hockenberry and Sharon Waxman Debate (Video)

“The Takeaway” host John Hockenberry and Wrap Editor Sharon Waxman debate Jonah Lehrer and other news from this week

Is the story of author Jonah Lehrer’s fall from grace this week — losing his job at The New Yorker and having his book "Image: How Creativity Works" pulled from stores — a fable for our warp speed internet era or a classic tale of hubris?

“The Takeaway” host John Hockenberry and Wrap Editor Sharon Waxman debate this issue, along with other issues of the week including Apple’s patent lawsuit against Samsung and the Olympic's new star athletes.

Also read: Jonah Lehrer and 'Imagine': A Cautionary Tale for Today’s Overachiever

Hockenberry, who is friends with Lehrer, defends him to a degree. “There are new pressures for an author to be a persona that is dynamic and alive,” he says. But, he adds, “He crossed a line where he desperately concted content to satisfy the premise of his book, which didn’t need any embellishment. He lost himself morally as a journalist."

On that one, I have to agree. Let us know what you think.

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President Obama and Same-Sex Marriage: Robert Scheer, WaxWord (Video) 

Turmoil at Yahoo: Kara Swisher Vets The New Board, Ross Levinsohn (Video)

President Obama’s Obsession With Celebrities: Howard Kurtz and WaxWord Debate (Video)
