Jonah Lehrer Bestseller ‘Imagine’ Called Rife With Errors

The former New Yorker writer may have also plagiarized and fudged other information in the book, says reporter who uncovered discrepencies


Jonah Lehrer's bestseller "Imagine: How Creativity Works" is rife with more misinformation than the cobbled Bob Dylan quotes exposed by Tablet magazine, the reporter who exposed the former New Yorker writer said Friday.

Michael C. Moynihan, the Tablet contributor who revealed Monday that Lehrer had fabricated quotes from the folk singer for his book then lied when questioned about it, said he discovered "fake interviews, quotes that can't be located, and plagiarism" throughout other chapters of "Imagine."

"So while one can reasonably debate how serious a crime it is to fudge a handful of Dylan quotes (pretty serious, if you ask me), always remember: no one ever does this kind of thing once, or just in one chapter," Moynihan tweeted, responding to what he said were emails and blog posts questioning the seriousness of Lehrer's misdeeds.

Also read: 'Imagine' Author Jonah Lehrer Resigns From New Yorker, Admits Lying

Lehrer resigned from the New Yorker Monday and issued a statement admitting he lied when he "panicked" after Moynihan challenged the quotes' veracity.

Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, canceled a lecture Lehrer was slated to give to students on August 21. The topic about ethics.

Also read: Jonah Lehrer and 'Imagine': A Cautionary Tale for Today's Overachiever

The book's publisher, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, pulled "Imagine" from e-book markets, halted shipments of the physical copies and also began offering refunds for purchased books earlier this week.

The writer, whose downfall elicited comparisons to the transgressions of  former journalists Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair, also drew out the latter, who is now a life coach and a recluse. His business is based in Virginia.

Blair, who was fired nine years ago after falsifying stories in the New York Times, wrote on the Daily Beast that the 31-year-old Lehrer's judgement was likely clouded by the same ambition and pressure that led him to breach his own ethics.

Blair did not respond to calls from TheWrap for comment.
