Yes, the big political news on Tuesday was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s congressional address — but Jon Stewart found offensive nuance within CNN’s graphics department that took slight precedent on Comedy Central’s “Daily Show.”
While debating President Obama’s plan to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, CNN used the Star of David as its wipe transition, going from a taped segment back to live coverage. Stewart called the effect “patronizing.”
“Are you kidding me?” he asked rhetorically. “That actually happened on CNN.”
Stewart added: “I guess they couldn’t pull off the ‘Batman’-spinning yarmulke wipe.”
Later on the near 10-minute opening “Daily Show” segment, Stewart torched Vice President Joe Biden, as well as Republicans — but he concluded with a solid joke about the extended standing ovation the Israeli leader received in the House chamber.
“Whether or not Netanyahu achieved his goals of sabotaging a deal with Iran or mistakingly opened up a rift in U.S.-Israeli relations, one thing is certain: The in-chamber response to this speech was by far the longest blowjob a Jewish man has ever received,” Stewart quipped.