Jon Stewart Tears Into Rolling Stone: ‘I’m Making a Citizen’s Firing’ (Video)

“How can there be no consequences for an error of this magnitude?” Stewart asks

Jon Stewart chimed in on the Rolling Stone campus rape story debacle Wednesday, expressing how dumbfounded he is that nobody involved in the erroneous report would be fired.

Responding to reports that everyone involved would keep their jobs, Stewart grew agitated.

“Fine if no one has the guts to do it, I’ll fire them—I’m making a citizen’s firing…how can there be no consequences for an error of this magnitude?

The Daily Show host is shocked that publisher Jann S. Wenner found the scathing report about the botched story to be enough punishment: “Somebody’s gotta go,” he concluded.

“You managed to ‘Where’s Waldo’ the only rape story that not only would fail to get your point across but set the cause back,” Stewart continued.

He concluded with giving the magazine three-and-a-half stars for the story.

On Sunday, Columbia School of Journalism published its 12,866-word story on the magazine’s report, listing a harrowing series of mistakes, oversights, and bias produced by reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely, editor Sean Woods, and Managing Editor Will Dana.

As TheWrap reported, experts are mixed on the long-term ramifications for the magazine, as some think the story debacle will leave a permanent black eye while others think in a year to two years, it will be a distant memory.

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