“Daily Show” host Jon Stewart suggested that President Barack Obama’s likable appearance on “The Colbert Report” on Monday was a PR move to distract the public from his involvement in concealing the horrifying contents of the Senate CIA torture report since replacing President Bush in 2008.
“To be fair to the president, he was great on ‘Colbert’ last night,” Stewart said. “My guess is scheduling was not a coincidence.”
Stewart cracked the joke at the Commander in Chief’s expense after showing clips of Intelligence Committee Chair, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), read off types of torture 119 individuals detained by the CIA were subjected to.
Techniques included, but were not limited to, being stripped naked, physically struck, sleep deprived for days, and rectally fed food. Even worse, the committee determined that the torture did not produce results that saved lives, and also found at least 26 of the detainees to be wrongfully withheld.
“Look Mr. President, you better get in tonight,” Stewart mocked. “Because when this report hits come Tuesday, to put it bluntly, you’re not going to be slow jamming until 2016.”
CNN reported that Secretary of State John Kerry asked Feinstein to delay the release of the torture report, while MSNBC reported that there are still 9,000 documents that the CIA is refusing to release to the committee, and Obama’s administration isn’t stepping up to make them.