Jon Stewart‘s advocacy for veterans paid off, as the Department of Veterans Affairs has apparently taken the satirist’s advice.
On Monday’s “Daily Show,” Stewart railed against the Choice Program, which allows veterans who’ve waited for 30 days for treatment at a VA health center to see out-of-network doctors closer to where they live.
But there were cracks in the system. To be eligible for the program, the rule stated veterans must live more than 40 miles from the nearest facility, or as the “crow flies” measurements.
“Because that is the least meaningful way to judge how hard it is to get somewhere for non-crows,” Stewart joked Tuesday.
He then broke the news that the VA had listened to him: “Not six hours after we aired that piece of investigative joke-a-lism, the VA folds,” he said.
The VA changed the rules to use actual driven miles based on Google Maps, instead of “crow” measurements.
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