Jon Stewart is done fighting it: He loves watching Donald Trump’s buffoonery, and so do you. Just admit it, let go, and enjoy the summer.
“Watching this man run for president, it’s like eating ice cream on a rollercoaster made of blowjobs,” the “Daily Show” host said.
“I want to watch you all the time,” Stewart confessed, so he sang about it to a popular “Grease” tune.
“Summer Trumpin’, had me a blast/Summer Trumpin’, he’s such an ass/Billionaire, vomited words/Distracted us, from his fellow turds.”
“Wonder what we’ll do when he goes back to ‘The Apprentice’/but what a blow to the riii-iiight.”
“We are terrible singers,” Stewart admitted after parodying “Summer Nights,” one of the most memorable songs from the popular 1978 musical starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John
Watch the video below.