Jon Stewart Likens Congress to Bill Cosby: They Both Slip Toxic Things in While No One Is Looking (Video)

“The Daily Show” host also got a laugh out of Nancy Pelosi using the word “taint” on the House floor

There are several nuggets to be found in Congress’ $1.1 trillion spending bill but Jon Stewart was able to pull out a Bill Cosby joke, of all things. “The Daily Show” host took Washington lawmakers to task on Tuesday night, pointing out just how broken the system truly is.

“We all know the esteemed members of our U.S. Congress fucking hates each other,” Stewart said, “but now as the new year approaches, they must enact a variety of last minute items, not the least of which is a one trillion dollar budget that allows them to keep basting in their own hateful juices.”

The bill, signed by President Obama, will eliminate the risk of a government shutdown. But the legislation also includes special interest cuts snuck in at the last minute, including the delay on the legalization of marijuana in Washington, D.C., a reversal of endangered species status for two types of birds, and a federal program that calls white potatoes, “fresh vegetables.”

Those additions have left many outraged, including Stewart, who said during his on-air tirade: “They just wait until no one is looking and then slip this toxic stuff in? Are they the Bill Cosby of legislation?”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi offered a different provocation while speaking in Congress, admitting that she was, “heartbroken to see the taint” placed on this appropriations bill.

Biting his lip, Stewart mocked Pelosi for pointing upward during her speech.

“How short is she?” Stewart asked.

Watch video from “The Daily Show” here.
