Jon Stewart says Fox News pundits all seem to be following the same talking points: That Russian President Vladimir Putin projects an image of strength to the world, while our own president comes off as a mom-jeans wearing wuss.
“People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil,” Sarah Palin said in Fox News footage Stewart played on “The Daily Show” Thursday. “They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates.”
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Two other Fox News pundits made the same mom-jeans joke. Fox News pundits also said Putin wrestles tigers.
“What a great talking point that mom jeans thing turned out to be,” Stewart said. “Here’s the thing you’ve got to remember: Putin doesn’t actually wrestle bears and tigers. That’s propaganda. He did once shoot a tiger. But only after that tiger had been pre-tranquilized and trapped in a snare for him.
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Stewart wasn’t kidding about Putin shooting a pre-tranquilized tiger. The Guardian reported in 2012 that there was evidence his infamous faceoff with a tiger was staged.
“The weirdest thing about this isn’t Putin invading the Ukraine,” said Stewart. “You expect a crazy guy to act crazy. The weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the crazy guy and go, ‘I’ll have what they’re having.’”
Stewart said that when Obama does project strength, the same commentators now denouncing him as weak say he’s trying to be a king or imperial president.
“Let me see if i have this right,” said Stewart. “Barack Obama is a weak, mom-jeans-wearing dictator king.”
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