Jon Stewart: Fox News’ ‘Narrative of Conservative Victimization’ Is ‘True Genius’ (Video)

Stewart brings otters into the debate

Jon Stewart continued his debate with Fox News' Chris Wallace on Monday's "Daily Show," saying Fox News pushes a "narrative of conservative victimization" by accusing mainstream news outlets — and Stewart — of holding a liberal bias.

Stewart referred back to his interview with Wallace two Sundays back, in which Wallace suggested Stewart only attacks liberal targets to maintain credibility to attack conservatives.

Also read: Chris Wallace on Jon Stewart Flap: "Here's What I Meant"

"That narrative of conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished," Stewart said. "Any editorial judgment in news or schools or movies that doesn't favor the conservative view is elitism and is evidence of liberal bias. Whereas any editorial judgment that favors the conservative view is evidence merely of fairness and done to protect them from media bias.

"And, if you criticize Fox for this game, guess what that's evidence of? How right they are about how persecuted — " he cut himself off, adding: "It is airtighter than an otter's anus. Don't ask me how I know that."

Watch the video:
