Jon Stewart on CNN Caucus Coverage: Dildo People?! (Video)

The "Daily Show" host was unimpressed with the "cybernetic, multi-colored featureless dildo people" CNN used in a graphic

On "The Daily Show" Wednesday night, Jon Stewart expressed how impressed he was with the old school manner in which the Iowa caucus process unfolds, but not so much with the way CNN depicted the process.

Ballots collected in "repurposed Christmas gift boxes" and other "low-tech expression(s) of civic democracy" feel like a historic re-enactment, Stewart said. It helps foster a "deeper understanding of our connection to our representative democracy" … so how, he asked, would CNN mess with that?

With a video graphic that used "cybernetic, multi-colored featureless dildo people" to represent the actual people in Iowa.

Also read: Jon Stewart on Rick Santorum's Rise: 'Get the F— Outta Here'

"Whyyyyy? Why? Why?!" Stewart ranted. "There are rooms in 99 counties that are filled with real people demonstrating the thing that you are trying to explain!"

Check out video of Stewart's dildo people outrage, followed by quips on Rick Perry's inexplicably enthusiastic response to "a fifth place ass kicking" and Michelle Bachmann's husband's completely heterosexual enthusiasm for doggie sunglasses:
