Jon Stewart Celebrates Patriot Act Expiration by Yelling ‘Penis! Penis! Penis!’ Into the Phone (Video)

Former protege John Oliver is tired of receiving the vulgar emergency calls

Daily Show Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart plopped down behind his Comedy Central desk on Monday just in time to celebrate the expiration of the Patriot Act the prior evening.

The comedian’s partying method? Pick up the phone, ring John Oliver, and yell “Penis, penis, penis!” into the receiver all day long. Odd move, we’ll concede — and “The Daily Show” host’s former protege is sure sick of the prank calls — but to each his own, and Stewart has earned the right to coast into his final show later this summer however he likes.

In other words, you commemorate the lapse of National Security Administration (NSA) spying your way; Stewart’s gonna do Stewart.

“People ask me all the time, ‘What are you going to do when you leave the show?’” Stewart said, before admitting, “It’s mostly this.”

All blame for halting a vote on the Patriot Act extension rests with Rand Paul, and Stewart was happy to pile on the presidential candidate. In doing so, however, the comic also took time to drop a few Sarah Palin jokes on perhaps the piece of legislation’s biggest supporter, John McCain.

Stewart’s final “Daily Show” is Aug. 6; newcomer Trevor Noah takes over on Sep. 28.

Watch the video:
