The recent wave of White House scandals may concern the American public, but it delights late night talk show hosts.
Leno jumped right into it Wednesday night, kicking off the "The Tonight Show" monologue by saying, "They’re warning this could be a long, hot summer," referring to the California heat wave. "They’re telling everyone to cover up. And believe me, you don't have to tell the Obama White House twice. They know about covering up. Not a problem."
Leno then specifically counted off the IRS, Benghazi, and phone record scandals before quipping, "Remember the old days when President Obama's biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?"
Yes, we do.
See video: Jon Stewart Mocks President Obama's Knowledge of Government Scandals
Jimmy Kimmel got in on the action too, saying, "As you may have heard, President Obama is having a rough week. He is currently being questioned on the Benghazi attacks, the IRS targeting conservative groups, and the Department of Justice seizing phone records from reporters with the Associated Press. A lot of people are saying that Obama could go down as our worst black president in more than 100 years."
Jon Stewart has been on the case for a few days now and he did not take his foot off the accelerator Wednesday. Stewart is so fed up with the scandals that he did the unthinkable — he admitted that conservatives are right to be outraged. Though it took him a little while to get that word out. We understand. And we're prety sure that's an important first step.
Watch below: