“Frozen” won two Oscars, but three awards on Sunday night, if you count Best Instant Meme.
Seriously, unless John Travolta has a secret pet name for Idina Menzel, something went very wrong during his introduction of the singer’s big “Let It Go” solo.
See photos: Oscars: The Winners
Travolta, no stranger to awards shows, seemed to get totally tongue tied when it was time to say the Tony-winner’s name. Whatever the case, the sound that came out of his mouth, “Adele Dazeem,” (or, something like it) sounded nothing like Idina Menzel.
Here are some of the best snarky remarks:

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Ever since Welcome Back Donker, I’ve been a fan of Tran Belzacki as Vinnie Barbarino.
— David Wain (@davidwain) March 3, 2014
Mispronouncing “Idina Menzel” is, like, the cruelest way to deal with gay rumors.
— Wesley Morris (@Wesley_Morris) March 3, 2014
“I think that went well.” – John Travolta.
— Richard Lawson (@rilaws) March 3, 2014
I used to be Tom Carter till John Travolta mangled my name.
— Tim Carvell (@timcarvell) March 3, 2014
John Travolta‘s gonna be embarrassed when he finds out about everything he’s done in his life.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) March 3, 2014