John Oliver Admits He ‘Would Commit Voter Fraud’ for One Specific Reason

It involves a very cool sticker

"Last Week Tonight With John Oliver" (HBO)

John Oliver isn’t a man who wants to overthrow democracy, but he definitely would commit voter fraud if a really, really fun “I Voted” sticker was involved.

Returning from hiatus on Sunday night, Oliver kicked off “Last Week Tonight” by highlighting contests held in various states, in which people got to submit new designs for said sticker. Michigan revealed nine winners, and there was one in particular that caught Oliver’s eye.

It came from Jane Hynous, a middle school student, who drew a very muscular wolf ripping off a shirt while standing in front of the American flag and below the words “I voted.”

“Yes. Everything about that is perfect. The line work, the kinetic energy of the shirt being ripped off, the wolf’s head thrown back in patriotic ecstasy at the concept of democracy,” Oliver praised. “I know this is not the point, but I would commit voter fraud to get multiples of that sticker.”

Oliver was also impressed by an entry in Kentucky’s contest, which finished as the runner-up in the competition. It featured The Lizard from “The Amazing Spider-Man,” and was drawn by a young boy who really just didn’t know what to draw.

According to the boy’s mother, his thinking was that “if lizard man can vote, you can too.”

“Oh! If lizard man can vote, you can too — that’s actually a very powerful message,” Oliver said delightedly. “‘Cause at the end of the day, lizard men in disguises don’t secretly run the government. They get one vote, just like you and me!”

“Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” is now streaming on Max.


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