John Oliver Finds Jay Leno’s Call for Late-Night TV ‘Civility’ a Tad Hypocritical (Video)

Roll former “Tonight Show” host’s never-ending string of Monica Lewinsky jabs

John Oliver torched Jay Leno Sunday after the former “Tonight Show” host called for a return to “civility” on late-night talk shows. There was just one problem with that opinion: Leno had a never-ending string of Monica Lewinsky jokes back in the ’90s, and some of them definitely crossed into the “slut-shaming” category.

“Those jokes have not dated well in any sense of the word,” the “Last Week Tonight” host said on his show Sunday night.

Like the time when Leno revealed a new “Dr. Seuss” book, “The Slut in the Hat.” Yeah, the replacement for the Cat was Lewinsky, and the Hat her black beret. That’s gross, Jay.

Oliver countered that old bit with his own Dr. Seuss spoof, “Oh, the Places You Can Go F–k Yourself, Jay Leno.” The weekly HBO show then rolled an excellent new interview between Oliver and Lewinsky.

Earlier in the cable talk-show’s main segment, Oliver slammed Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson for the way he shrugged off the blowback to resurfaced crude comments Carlson made years ago on a shock-jock radio show.

“One day you’re having dinner with your family imagining everything is fine, the next your phone is exploding with calls from reporters,” Carlson addressed the backlash and the “outrage machine” on his own show last week.

“First of all, no one having dinner with Tucker Carlson has ever imagined everything was fine,” Oliver said Sunday, adding: “Most people’s answer to the question, ‘If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead’ is ‘Tucker Carlson, dead.’”

If you’re thinking at this point that college admissions scandal arrestees Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin got off scot-free last night, you’d be wrong.

Watch the video above.

Yeah, it’s a long segment — but a good one.
