John Oliver was probably too busy preparing his Sunday night broadcast to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner, but he doesn’t seem too broken up about it.
It took the “Last Week Tonight” host just over a minute to completely tear down the annual event, with moral and ethical attacks coming from all directions.
See photos: ‘Nerd Prom’ – Hollywood Invades DC for White House Correspondents Dinner
His update on the deadly situation in the Ukraine provided the segue into the segment, with Oliver noting that everyone in Washington would have also been talking about the turmoil… had they not been preparing for the gross gathering of the rich, powerful, and glamorous at the Washington Hilton.
For all the gladhanding and backslapping between journalists, politicians, and celebrities, the event was perhaps defined by one single exchange: Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, asking a “Duck Dynasty” cast member for an autograph.
“Both of them could justifiably look the other one in the eyes and say, ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’ And they’d both be right,” Oliver said.