John Oliver Shares ‘Last Week Tonight’ Season 5’s Unused Graphics, Like These Condoms for Dogs (Video)

“I honestly don’t remember why we made this one,” HBO host says

John Oliver revealed his latest round of lost graphics from “Last Week Tonight,” including key art for Ruff Riders, which are (of course) condoms for dogs.

There’s also a makeup artist applying rouge to a salmon, a journalist squirrel named Edward R. Burrow, a red panda eating the HBO host’s heart, Ivanka Trump as the mother from “Get Out,” some hockey-playing badgers from the wrong state, a new mom holding her just-birthed watermelon, and a pissed off parrot.

The anything-but-stock graphics get way more weird and sexual from there.

There is one exception to the trend, however. That adorable one with Nancy Reagan sitting on the lap of Mr. T who is dressed at Santa Claus? Totally real.

Republicans probably want that kiss back.

Watch the video above to see them all. None of these beautiful creations made it to air — until now, that is.
