John Oliver Gives Shout-Out to Conan O’Brien, Norm Macdonald in Emmy Acceptance Speech (Video)

“No one was funnier in the last 20 years than Norm MacDonald in late-night comedy,” Emmy-winning “Last Week Tonight” host says

“Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver paid tribute to Conan O’Brien and the late Norm MacDonald during the Emmys on Sunday night.

Oliver, whose HBO series won the Emmy for Outstanding Variety Talk Series, began by thanking O’Brien “for 30 years of inspiring comedy writers” before extolling MacDonald’s greatness in the space.

“No one was funnier in the last 20 years than Norm MacDonald in late-night comedy. If you have any time in the next week do what I did and just spend time re-watching the clips of Norm and Conan because it just doesn’t get better,” Oliver said.
