Have you ever wanted to spend a day living in John Cena’s shoes? Well here’s your chance, but you’d better have lots of coffee for it.
Ahead of his latest movie “Blockers” opening on Friday and WWE WrestleMania on Sunday in New Orleans, the wrestling superstar/actor/host made a video for Vanity Fair detailing everything he does in a day.
And it’s a lot.
Cena wakes up between 6 and 7 a.m., he said, detailing a pretty typical morning routine so far … He then chows down a breakfast of either a protein shake or scrambled eggs, bacon and vegetables, followed by morning meetings.
Then it’s time to hit the gym for up to an hour just of “warm up” before he then “goes to work” strength training.
Yep, now the super human part kicks in.
The rest of the day proceeds with more meetings but it is always time to eat, with small meals every few hours. Leisure time is made of up learning Mandarin (because that’s what every normal person does to relax?) or playing piano, because “music is soothing to the savage beast.”
The only people honored with regular phone calls from the WWE Superstar are his mom and fiancee Nikki Bella (above).
The day ends around 7 p.m., in the company of his bride-to-be — if they’re lucky enough to be at home — and it’s time for dinner, either a take out or going out for dinner where the “clock stops” like in a casino.
Cena also divulged that he doesn’t wear anything for bed, and if he’s had too much to drink he “gets up to pee at night.” TMI? He promised us everything.
On a five-day stretch, Cena says he averages one to four hours of sleep, but then he plays catch up on Day Six sleeping eight to 12 hours.
Check out a day in the life of Cena in the video above.