For the second time in as many days, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough went on a rant about racial profiling on police forces. The “Morning Joe” host squared off against his guest Dorian Warren, suggesting that data comes into play when cops make arrests out on the streets.
“Let’s have a real conversation and stop suggesting that white cops want to shake down black guys because they’re black,” Scarborough said. “A lot of it is based on data.”
Co-host Mika Brzezinski however argued that policing shouldn’t be based on data, saying: “It should be based on moving society forward, and treating whites and blacks equally.”
That sent Scarborough into a rant that led to him calling out his own network.
“A cop is not out on the street going, ‘You know what I’m going to do today? I’m going to move our society forward,’” Scarborough said. “A cop on the street has one job: to protect the people in that neighborhood. It is not to make a statement that makes primetime people on MSNBC feel better about America.”
On Monday, Scarborough also took on race relations in America while asking why Michael Brown was being painted as an innocent victim.
“Someone needs to tell me why Michael Brown has been chosen as the face of black oppression,” Scarborough said. He continued, “There are so many great people to embrace as heroes in the black community, that deciding you’re going to embrace a guy who knocked over a convenience store and then according to a Grand Jury testimony acted in ways that would get my children shot? That’s your hero? That’s the reason you want to burn down black businesses? Really? This is your mission in life?”
NBC legal analyst Lisa Bloom responded to Scarborough’s comments via Twitter on Monday night, telling Scarborough, “No one has said Mike Brown was a hero. What we have said was that we don’t give the death penalty to shoplifting teens.” Bloom sent a total of 15 tweets directed at Scarborough. See her entire online rebuttal:
.@JoeNBC Acc'g to that radical race-baiting PBS, more than half of GJ witnesses said Brown's hands were up when shot
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@JoeNBC No one has said Mike Brown was a hero. What we have said was that we don't give the death penalty to shoplifting teens.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@JoeNBC White people telling black people that we know better how they should handle themselves when their kids are shot: big turnoff.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@JoeNBC Flaw in yr reasoning is assuming Darren Wilson's testimony is 100% true tho no one asked him tough Qs or pointed to inconsistencies
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@JoeNBC If you concede massive racial bias in justice system, how do you not see it here? Or have you not read the grand jury transcript?
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@JoeNBC I'm helpfully giving you link to grand jury transcript. Read up in preparation to discuss this with me!
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
.@DonnyDeutsch says (and @JoeNBC seems to agree) Mike Brown was a "thug" –a dead kid who can't defend self + who had no advocate in GJ room
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
I missed the memo from black America asking a bunch of white folks to sit around a TV studio and wag fingers at them. But not @JoeNBC
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
Civil rights movement ignited over black kids being killed at horrific rates. @JoeNBC likens it to "flying saucers." Show some respect, Joe.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
More than half the eyewitnesses say Mike Brown was shot from behind while running away. Contend w that truth @JoeNBC.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
Only 1/5 of the eyewitnesses said Brown was NOT shot while running away, @JoeNBC.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
Dorian Johnson is not an "accomplice" to robbery, @JoeNBC. Never even charged. Guess you didn't read his GJ testimony or fact check that.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
"Media doing disservice to police," says @JoeNBC. US cops kill over 400 per year, UK 2, Germany 6. A vitally important story to cover.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
What's most painful about @JoeNBC's rant is how one dimensional he paints Mike Brown, entirely believing his shooter's version of events.
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014
Easy to criticize looters. But to wag finger at them w/o acknowledging 1000s of nonviolent protestors is irresponsible, @JoeNBC
— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) December 3, 2014