Joaquin Phoenix returned to the “Late Show With David Letterman” on Wednesday, a year and a half after a now-infamous appearance that was so bizarre, so unreal, it led to speculation — confirmed last week — that “I’m Still Here,” Casey Affleck’s psuedo-documentary about Phoenix’s foray as an actor-turned-rapper, was, in fact, all an act, and the interview had been faked for the film.
During his 2009 appearance, some criticized the “Late Show” funnyman for not picking up on the apparent punking. Thankfully, Letterman went right after Phoenix this time.
"We wanted to do a film that explored celebrity," a clean-shaven, completely lucid Phoenix told Dave. "And explored the relationship between the media and consumers and celebrities themselves."
Letterman: "All I really care about is me in this."
"Did I know anything about this?" Letterman asked.
Phoenix: "No"
"Was there a script we were working from?"
Letterman: "Thank you."
Watch the highlights of both below: