Jimmy Kimmel Says TikTok Ban Would Be ‘iPhone Footloose’ With ‘No Kevin Bacon to Save Us’ | Video

“For teenagers, losing TikTok is a bigger deal than losing your virginity,” the ABC host jokes

Jimmy Kimmel TikTok

Jimmy Kimmel had a stark warning about “a disaster looming” in his monologue on Wednesday — the potential TikTok ban.

Kimmel noted that it would have a particularly big impact on kids, joking that it would be “like an iPhone ‘Footloose’, and there’s no Kevin Bacon to save us.” Watch the clip above. 

“There is a disaster looming, a potentially earth-shattering event,” Kimmel began. “Could have a devastating impact on tens of millions of Americans – especially young Americans.  And I’m not talking about climate change, or AI, or, diarrhea on planes. I’m talking about The House of Representatives today, with an overwhelming majority passed a bill to ban TikTok in the United States. Unless the Chinese company that owns TikTok agrees to sell it.”

Now is as good a time as any to point any readers who are curious to a more thorough breakdown. Briefly, the concern is that it’s collecting data that may be shared with the Chinese government. For whatever reason bills to restrict datamining by domestic companies aren’t in the works. This bill still has to pass the Senate, and while that’s not assured, President Joe Biden says he’ll sign it if that happens.

Now, back to Kimmel, who noted that the bill passed with a large bipartisan majority. “Who would have guessed that this would be the thing that brings both sides together?” he joked.

Kimmel noted recent polling showing that a lot of TikTok users think it’s probably a national security threat but intend to use it anyway. “I guess at this point, what the hell, right? I mean, half the country supports a national security threat for President,” Kimmel joked. “Might as well dance.”

Then Kimmel noted how popular TikTok is with young people. “For teenagers, losing TikTok is a bigger deal than losing your virginity. I’m not kidding either. This is like taking away all their imaginary friends at once.”

Kimmel also noted how Donald Trump has recently changed his position on TikTok, agreeing with people like Rachel Maddow that the timing on this is highly suspicious.  

“So now, the bill goes to the Senate, which means the fate of every tweenaged TikToker is in the hands of a bunch of old white people with Hotmail accounts,” Kimmel continued. “This is a big deal. This is like iPhone Footloose, and there’s no Kevin Bacon to save us.”

We’re sure you’re familiar with the 1984 teen drama about a small town that bans dancing (and features the music of Kenny Loggins), but we’re reminding you to google it if need be.

As we said, you can watch it at the top of the page.
