Jimmy Kimmel Declares Ted Cruz’s Trump Endorsement ‘Like a Tick Endorsing Lyme Disease’ | Video

“I have to say it’s nice when two of the most repugnant people on the planet can bury old feuds,” the ABC host jokes

Jimmy Kimmel used his Wednesday monologue to poke fun yet again at multiply indicted ex-president Donald Trump. The topic this time: the ongoing Republican presidential primaries. Trump won the first of them, the Iowa caucuses, on Monday.

After Trump’s win, many prominent Republicans rushed to endorse him — among them Ted Cruz, who has been one of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters ever since being humiliated by him in his 2016 primary defeat. And about that, Kimmel mocked Cruz’s servile devotion to Trump despite, among other things, Trump having insulted his wife in deeply personal terms. Kimmel then joked that the endorsement “is like a tick endorsing Lyme disease.”

Kimmel got to this joke in a roundabout way by noting how much Trump paradoxically whines about not getting enough TV coverage, which brought him to other primary developments.

“ABC and CNN decided to cancel their New Hampshire debate coverage because Trump and Nikki Haley said they would not attend. So the good news is, if you still want to hear two Republicans who will never be president argue about politics, you can always go visit your parents,” Kimmel joked.

Then he got to Cruz. “Trump last night picked up an endorsement from the gentleman who beat him in Iowa back in 2016, Ted ‘Cancun’ Cruz. Ted said he is, quote, ‘proud’ to endorse the man who said his wife was ugly and his father killed JFK. So he’s nice.”

“I have to say it’s nice when two of the most repugnant people on the planet can bury old feuds and shave each other’s disgusting backs,” Kimmel continued. “Ted Cruz endorsing Donald Trump is like a tick endorsing Lyme disease.”

From there, Kimmel went through some of the other twists and turns of the primary, including another installment of “Drunk Donald Trump,” and he also mocked the Los Angeles Clippers, among a number of amusing jokes. You can watch the whole monologue at the top of the screen.
