Jimmy Kimmel Says Trump’s Not Looking for His Cabinet, ‘He’s Looking for Cellmates’ | Video

The ABC host came to this conclusion while talking about Attorney General nominee Matt Gaetz

Jimmy Kimmel on Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump

Jimmy Kimmel took a look at Donald Trump’s growing list of shocking cabinet picks on Wednesday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” and concluded that the convicted felon isn’t actually trying to assemble a cabinet at all.

“He’s looking for cellmates,” Kimmel joked.

Kimmel got there by talking about Trump’s disturbing pick to be his second term Attorney General, former Florida congressman Matt Gaetz. Gaetz has been credibly accused by multiple people of various kinds of misconduct, mainly involving illegal drug use and sex with underage girls.

To be clear, Gaetz denies all of it but he’s been under multiple investigations, including a congressional ethics investigation, which has been short-circuited by Gaetz’s resignation from congress. He quit when Trump nominated him, though observers have commented that the timing is weird, since it happened just days before the ethics committee was supposed to release its findings. And now Republicans are refusing to release the findings. (Gaetz is also not going to be subjected to a background check for the Attorney General job.)

“Well, the House Ethics Committee has apparently reached an impasse on whether to release details of their investigation into the ‘sextracurricular activities’ of the former congressman and current Trump Attorney General nominee,” Kimmel explained.

“The committee is examining, among other things, testimony that says he engaged in sexual misconduct, he provided ‘special privileges and favors’ to associates and tried obstructing investigations into his behavior, basically, all the same stuff that won Trump the election this time,” he continued.

Kimmel also explained some of the more disturbing details about the allegations, as detailed in this New York Times report.

“We learned today that the Committee has records of 27 Venmo payments to two women, for more than $10,000. You know, if you have to worry about deleting your browser history and your Venmo transaction history every night, you probably shouldn’t be Attorney General of the United States,” Kimmel said. “And yet, every, every Republican on the House committee, every member of the law and order/family values party, voted against releasing their findings. Just like you do with any ethics report that completely exonerates someone.”

“Releasing the report would require one Republican — only one to vote with Democratic members of the Committee. In other words, in a party full of minions.”

Eventually, Kimmel tied all this to Donald Trump.

“The President… is a criminal,” he said. “34 times over, he’s a convicted criminal.  Truth be told he’s not even looking for a cabinet, he’s looking for cellmates. Okay?”

Watch the whole monologue below:

Later, Kimmel joked that “if Gaetz wants enough votes to get confirmed in the Senate, he’s got a lot of work to do. Not on his face. He’s already done too much on that.”

“Maybe instead of Attorney General, he could be our Plastic Surgeon General? I think we’d be okay with that,” Kimmel added.
