Jimmy Kimmel detoured from his usual fare during his monologue on Tuesday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” Prior to airtime, the ABC host encouraged fans on Instagram to ask any Republican in their lives to watch, and indeed the entire monologue was devoted to a single topic: Convincing any GOP voter watching to stop supporting Donald Trump and consider voting for Kamala Harris.
You can watch the entire monologue below:
From the jump, Kimmel told viewers “this is not gonna be our usual roast of Trump, or some kind of liberal virtue signaling None of that. In fact, I’m gonna open with a joke about a Democrat for a change.”
At that, Kimmel joked about President Joe Biden’s recent trip to a bank in Delaware.
Then Kimmel reintroduced himself to viewers who may have enjoyed his work prior to the vast political divides that sprung up in the last couple of decades, specifically his old TV series “The Man Show.”
“We had, we had a pretty good relationship back then. The beer, the trampolines. Good times, right? We had fun. But now times are less fun. We’re a week away from an election and we are very divided,” Kimmel said.
Kimmel didn’t just blame Trump however. He said the division was also, “because of people like, if I’m being honest, me. I do a lot of mocking, and belittling, and it isn’t always productive. Am I biased against Donald Trump? Yes. Do I think I have good reasons for being biased against him? Yes. And I’m probably wrong, but I think when you hear some of those reasons, you may — you might agree with me, even just a little bit.”
Kimmel said he assumes that any Republican watching is doing so at the behest of someone who asked them, or perhaps “you’re just open-minded, and not afraid to hear somebody who might not agree with you speak. Either way, thank you for giving me 15 minutes of your life to talk about Donald Trump.”
“Maybe you love him, and you’ll vote for him no matter what he says, or what he does. Maybe you hate the other side so much, you’ll look past anything he says or does. Or maybe there’s a little voice in the back of your head saying, ‘I might not want this guy driving the bus,’” Kimmel continued.
“And if you’re one of those people who think Democrats are controlling the weather, or Beyonce eats baby skin, forget it, this is not gonna help at all, this is not for you. But what I’m asking you to hear isn’t what I have to say. That doesn’t matter. I want you to hear what he’s saying.”
Kimmel then proceeded to break down for these presumably new viewers what people who regularly watch his show are of course familiar with.
That included his history of promising things and not honoring those promises, the bragging about sexual assault, the racism against Hispanics. Then he looked at Trump’s recent incoherent comments, and his false, transphobic lies, which he used to make an argument as to why Trump is unfit to lead.
“The President should be focused on things that are actually things. There are so many difficult problems that need to be solved. This guy, he can’t stop talking about windmills,” Kimmel went on, noting Trump’s obsession with the topic.
Then Kimmel looked at more of Trump’s incoherent statements and asked people to imagine if they’d put someone else who spoke like that in charge of the country. He also noted Trump’s various grifts, including his line of sneakers.
“Donald Trump is the exact meeting point between Q Anon and QVC,” Kimmel joked. “You remember when Ronald Reagan was selling high tops in the 80’s? No. You don’t, because he wasn’t Reagan didn’t sell sneakers; Clinton didn’t sell pork rinds; Bush didn’t sell baked beans. Presidents don’t sell products. Except for one. Who sells a lot of them,” Kimmel said, transitioning to a discussion of Trump’s branded bibles, and the evidence Trump isn’t remotely religious.
That opened up a discussion of how much Trump lies, which led directly into Trump’s efforts to subvert or outright overthrow the American system of elections and government.
“He’s gonna pull all the same tricks he pulled last time, and more. This is not my opinion. This is happening, right out in the open. They’re not even trying to keep it secret. The one thing that makes this country a Democracy, more than anything else, are free and fair elections. ‘Of the people, by the people, and for the people’ that’s what it says. He wants to turn it into ‘Of me, by me, for me,’” Kimmel added.
Then Kimmel mentioned how Trump is “planning to pardon himself. Nixon must be rolling over in his grave, just punching himself in the face right now for not thinking of that.” And from there, he dove into Trump’s election denialism at length.
“How can we have an election if whoever loses won’t accept the results? And thinks CBS should have its license revoked for an episode of 60 Minutes he didn’t like? Who sides with Russia over the CIA, and sent COVID equipment to Putin at the height of the pandemic, when Americans couldn’t even get it. Not to mention the 34 felony convictions,” Kimmel argued..
After noting many prominent Republicans who have disavowed Trump and now support Kamala Harris, Kimmel urged people to watch the racist rally Trump held in New York over the weekend, and his recent Joe Rogan interview.
“Most elections are about policy. This one is not. This is about sanity. And security. And democracy. You know, I saw a shirt the other day, it said, ‘I support Trump because he pisses off the people who piss me off.’ And it’s funny. And I get it. Sometimes it feels like no one has a sense of humor anymore. But is that really all we want for America? Is to piss each other off? I don’t want that,” Kimmel said.
You can, as we said, watch the whole thing above.