Jimmy Kimmel IDs the Biggest Improvement Since Trump Left Office: ‘We’re Drinking Less Bleach’ (Video)

The ABC host pokes holes in disgraced ex-president’s latest anti-Biden ranting

Donald Turmp gave a speech on Thursday filled with dire warnings about what may happen if Joe Biden wins reelection in 2024. And while Jimmy Kimmel understandably took issue with the absurdity of those warnings, he also mocked Trump’s claim that things are so much worse now than they were during his administration.

And in response to Trump asking his followers to name “one thing” that has become better in America since Joe Biden became President, Kimmel joked during his Thursday night monologue, “I can think of a lot of them. But I think maybe number one is we’re drinking less bleach.”

You can watch the whole monologue at the top of the page now.

Kimmel began the bit by joking that “even Donald Trump is toning it down. I don’t know if it’s the Christmas spirit or what is going on, but for once, he actually had some nice words to say about Joe Biden.”

Kimmel then played video of Trump insulting Biden in very personal terms, joking, “Oh, hold on.  I think I was thinking of a different Donald Trump. This one is a jerk.”

Then Kimmel got to Trump’s speech in Coralville, Iowa. “Trump issued a stark warning about what would happen to the U.S. economy, should President Biden serve another term,” he said, then played a clip where Trump insisted there would be possibly the worst depression in world history.

Kimmel then noted that not three hours before Trump said this, Wall Street held a celebration of a record high for the Dow Jones industrial average of 37,000.

“An all time high! When it went above $30,000 dollars in 2020 when he was president, he was patting himself on the back like a monkey eating bugs off his shoulder blades,” Kimmel commented. “Now we’re headed toward a depression.”

“That’s our Trump. If it’s hot, he says it’s cold. If it’s black, he says it’s white. If it’s a funeral, he sings ‘Happy Birthday.’ It’s opposite,” Kimmel continued, noting, “Unemployment is down to 3.7%. Inflation is down to 3.1%. Gas is down to $3.10 a gallon…but this Biden is terrible. He’s leading us to a depression.”

“Trump asked supporters on Wednesday to name ‘one thing’ that has gotten better under Biden. And I don’t know, there’s a lot. I can think of a lot of them. But I think maybe number one is we’re drinking less bleach,” Kimmel said, referencing the time Trump literally suggested that people inject bleach to kill COVID-19.

After playing some more clips of Trump’s deranged remarks, Kimmel mocked the multiple-indicted former president’s claims to populism joking that “The only little people Donald Trump cares about are the Keebler Elves. The ones who bring him his Fudge Stripes every morning.”
