Jimmy Fallon got into the fake news business on Tuesday night when he unveiled a new segment, the Trump News Network.
Breaking out his best Donald Trump impression, Fallon told the audience the world needed a news network that told viewers the “truth.”
“The only way to ensure that the news you’re watching isn’t fake is if I’m the one delivering it, which is why I’m starting the Trump News Network,” he said. After reporting on “the incident” in Sweden that absolutely (didn’t) happen, Fallon (as Trump) talked about the appointment of Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster to the role of national security adviser.
“Now normally when I’m talking to H.R. it’s because one of my female employees is threatening to sue, but now H.R. is going to stand for Huge Ratings,” he said.
After a quick weather report from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, he closed the segment by reporting on the next horrible thing to happen in the world, using the Wheel of Bad Things.