Fallon Says Jim Jordan Only Wants to Be House Speaker to Avoid His ‘Old Job’ of ‘Scooby-Doo’ Villain (Video)

“When Jordan said that he was running a third time, even Nike was like ‘Just don’t,'” the NBC host mocks

Despite reports indicating that Rep. Jim Jordan wouldn’t be seeking a third vote to become House Speaker, the GOP congressman announced later Thursday that he would, in fact, be trying again. And at this point, Jimmy Fallon is pretty sure it’s just an attempt to avoid Jordan’s “old job.”

During his monologue on Thursday night, Fallon first mocked Jordan for trying a third time, especially considering he got fewer votes on his second attempt than he did on the first one.

“When Jordan said that he was running a third time, even Nike was like ‘Just don’t,’” Fallon mocked.

That said, the NBC host had a solid theory about why Jordan is going the route of Kevin McCarthy and trying for the job so many times; it’s just because it’s a little better than Jordan’s last gig.

“Jordan wants to be Speaker of the House so that he doesn’t have to go back to his old job of being the villain in ‘Scooby-Doo,’” Fallon joked.

Elsewhere in his monologue, Fallon poked fun at Donald Trump’s latest court appearance, during which the four-time indicted former president was instructed to keep his voice down.

“Trump was like ‘This is me whispering, have you seen my tweets?!’” Fallon mocked.

You can watch Jimmy Fallon’s full monologue from “The Tonight Show” in the video above.
