CNN anchor Jim Acosta poked fun at Fox News host Tucker Carlson Sunday, teasing him about his latest claim that Viagra could be used as treatment against COVID-19 and pretty much daring him to reveal his vaccination status.
“I suppose some people will justify those prescriptions with just about anything,” Acosta snarked, adding that Carlson’s show “really should come with a Surgeon General’s warning for disinformation.”
CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner condemned Carlson for spreading “myth and fallacy” about COVID-19 instead of telling viewers “what we know works to prevent mortality in this country, which is simply to vaccinate people.”
“My sense is that he’s almost certainly been vaccinated, and I would be shocked if he wasn’t boosted,” Acosta added. “But yet he hosts this continuing parade of clowns that propagate this nonsense that, you know, that somehow vaccines are harmful or that this is somehow a liberal plot to some subjugate the masses.”
Acosta continued: “And let’s just say right now a challenge to Tucker Carlson as we’re talking about this from yours truly and from Dr. Reiner — Tucker Carlson, tell the American people if you have been double vaccinated and boosted. We know the truth, we know you have been, but just tell us.”
Acosta has previously called out Carlson for airing segments that falsely claim that drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can be used as treatment for the virus as well as casting doubt on the efficacy of the vaccine. Reiner pointed out that Carlson creates doubts about the vaccine by “just raising questions” that could be answered by medical experts that he chooses not to interview.
Watch Acosta and Reiner’s remarks in the clip above.