Dems Tie Trump to Antisemites, Republicans Tie Harris to the Squad in Dueling Ads From Jewish PACs | Video

“I never voted Republican in my life, but I am voting Trump,” a woman in one political ad tells her friends

Two Jewish PACs released dueling ads targeting opposing supporters of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in crucial swing states on Tuesday.

In one ad by the Republican Jewish Coalition Victory Fund, three women at a restaurant discuss attacks against Israel and how Trump makes them feel safe — even though they’ve never supported him in the past. In a second ad by the Democratic Majority for Israel, Trump’s past associations with antisemites and neo-Nazis is put out in the open and questioned.

The RJC ad begins with three women seated at a deli. “Did you watch the news lately?” one asks. “Israel’s under attack … antisemitism like I never thought I would see.” A second woman notes that a friend’s son was spit on because he’s Jewish.

“What about Kamala?” the third woman asks. “Oh, busy defending The Squad” is the answer, a reference to the progressive group of Congresswomen and friends Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, as well as former Rep. Cori Bush.

One of the women in the ad admits that she never liked Trump, but feels “safe” with him, while another adds, “I never voted Republican in my life, but I am voting Trump.”

Regulars of the real-life deli where the video was shot have called out its owners for allowing the spot — or any political ad, for that matter — to be shot there. Hymie’s is well-known in Philadelphia, and owner/operator Lou Barson defended the decision to Philadelphia Magazine.

“Only a person who eats at Hymie’s would know this was shot at Hymie’s,” Barson said. “This is not a statement that Hymie’s is endorsing Donald Trump. That is not the case. I would gladly let Kamala Harris film an ad here tomorrow.”

The RJC has spent a reported $15 million on ads across swing states.

The new ad echoed another the same PAC aired during the presidential debate in September. “Kamala Harris embraces and defends The Squad, even after Ilhan Omar made disgusting antisemitic comments,” the clip said. “Kamala Harris joined The Squad in sympathizing with antisemitic, anti-Israel protests.”

“Kamala Harris is no ordinary Democrat. She stands with The Squad, not with us,” it continued.

Meanwhile, the 3-minute ad by the DMI takes a different approach. “Let’s talk about Donald Trump and Israel. This is a guy with a long history of supporting antisemites, as long as they support him,” the other ad begins. That introduction is followed by a list of Trump’s offenses, including his defense of white nationalist protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2018, as well as his robust support for those involved in the Capitol Insurrection in January 2021 — a group that included known antisemites.

The Republican presidential nominee’s associations with open white supremacist Nick Fuentes and controversial rapper Kanye West — who tweeted in 2022 that he was about to go “def con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE” — are also examined, as well as his relationship with Charlie Kirk, the RNC speaker who has long been suspected of antisemitism.

“What happens if Trump wins?” the ad asks. “He says he’s going to go much further than he did last time; blow up NATO, abandon Ukraine. He’s questioned defending Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.”

“Should we as Jews really believe that this alliance with Israel holds a special place in Trump’s heart? What if the Israelis dump Bibi and elect someone more centrist?” the video continues. “What if the Saudis and the Qatari who are literally funding the Trump family want something that goes against Israel’s interest? Will Trump stand with Israel then?”


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