Draped in a royal purple Dior gown for the premiere in Germany’s capital, Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as Katniss Everdeen for the final time.

Hunky Liam Hemsworth returns as Gale Hawthorne, Katniss’ best friend, hunting partner and part of her ongoing love triangle.

Josh Hutcherson is once again Peeta Mellark, a baker’s son who ends up fighting in the arena alongside Katniss.

Oscar winner Julianne Moore plays President Alma Coin, the leader from District 13 who would like to see Katniss dead now that she’s taken over the Capitol.

Wearing an Elie Saab couture floral gown and a gold leaf appliqué headpiece, Elizabeth Banks plays flamboyant chaperone Effie Trinket.

Willow Shields plays Katniss’ little sister, Prim Everdeen.

Jena Malone portrays Johanna Mason, a female tribute from District 7.

Carly Steel, “Entertainment Tonight” host and star of upcoming horror film, “Headgame”

“Game of Thrones” star Natalie Dormer plays Cressida in the hit franchise, the resident director from the Capitol whose camera crew joins the rebels.

Michelle Forbes

Angelina Heger