In Jennifer Aniston‘s first commercial as brand ambassador for Emirates Airline, the actress looks for the shower aboard a U.S. flight with a bag of toiletries in tow.
“Hi, I’m looking for the shower?” the bathrobe-clad actress asks the flight crew, who tell her that the plane does not offer showers, then ply her with a bag of peanuts and a hot towel instead.
“Emirates planes have showers and they have bars,” Aniston fires back, before the crew starts laughing at her and she faints.
Thankfully for Aniston, it was just a bad dream, and the camera snaps to the “Cake” star laying in a reclining bed aboard an Emirates A380 plane.
“It was such a nightmare,” Aniston tells the bartender while leaning against the bar on board the flight. “I was on a plane and it was nothing like this. Is there someone that we could talk to about maybe flying this around a little longer? Just like an hour.”
In August, Aniston reportedly signed a contract with Emirates for $5 million to appear in TV and print ads.