Jeffrey Katzenberg Says It’s ‘Bittersweet’ to Watch Biden Step Aside, but It Was ‘The Right Thing to Do’

The campaign co-chair fully endorses Kamala Harris: “She has spent an entire lifetime winning”

Joe Biden and Jeffrey Katzenberg (Getty Images)

After drawing ire from many in Hollywood following Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance in June, campaign co-chair Jeffrey Katzenberg now throws his full weight behind Kamala Harris while noting that the president’s decision to step out of the race is “bittersweet.”

“I have known the president for more than 40 years. As his campaign co-chair, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with him over the past 18 months. I have seen firsthand who he is,” the film producer said in a New York Times op-ed, speaking to his knowledge of the president’s character but perhaps further fanning the flames of those who believe the Quibi founder concealed the nature of Biden’s mental and physical capacity from donors.

“Partly because of his empathetic understanding of America and Americans, he has conducted one of the most successful presidencies in our history,” he continued. “His victory in the Democratic Party’s primaries earned him the right to run for re-election and extend his record of success.”

Katzenberg called Biden a “hero” for listening to those who asked him to step aside.

“For the president, it was never about himself. It was about what was best for the country. The only thing that mattered was ensuring that Donald Trump never again set foot in the White House,” he said. “When he saw that this mission was in jeopardy, the president did what few can do: This past Sunday, he selflessly let go of the reins.”

The former DreamWorks CEO admitted there’s “a bittersweet quality” to watching the transition, but fully endorsed Harris, who he’s known for 20 years and for whom Katzenberg now serves as campaign co-chair.

“Again and again, she has been underestimated,” he said. “Again and again, she has triumphed. The vice president has won almost every election she’s ever competed in. She has spent an entire lifetime winning. I couldn’t be more confident that this November will be no different.”

Earlier this month, TheWrap reported that Hollywood donors to the Biden campaign were “furious” with Katzenberg after the president stumbled his way through his first debate with Donald Trump and subsequent TV interviews.

“What Jeffrey Katzenberg has done here is unbelievable,” said one Hollywood power broker, donor and influential Democrat who declined to be identified. “Jeffrey lied about the whole Biden thing. The whole Biden inner circle lied… It’s such an act of hypocrisy.”

Katzenberg had been largely silent since the debate and through the tense few weeks that followed, but TheWrap reported last week that Katzenberg met with Biden to warn him that Hollywood donors had stopped writing checks.

Read Katzenberg’s full op-ed at the New York Times.
