Jason Blum and his Blumhouse Productions have acquired distribution rights to “Peachfuzz,” a found-footage horror film produced by Mark and Jay Duplass. Blum and his company, producers of the “Paranormal Activity” franchise, have invested an undisclosed sum in the movie and will work with the Duplass brothers on the film, its distribution and marketing.
Patrick Brice directed "Peachfuzz," which follows a young man who encounters unforeseen surprises after answering a Craiglist ad. Further details are being kept under wraps.
"Mark, Jay and Patrick have put an exciting new spin on found footage horror and we look forward to working with them,” Blum, founder and CEO of Blumhouse, said in a statement. The producer specializes in low-budget films, often in the horror genre.
The Duplass brothers have written, directed and produced a number of low-budget comedies like “Cyrus” and "Jeff, Who Lives at Home.” They produced one of last year’s critical darlings, “Safety Not Guaranteed,” in which Mark Duplass (left) also starred. With "Peachfuzz," they have branched off into horror.
“We've been wanting to do something with Jason and Blumhouse for a while,” Mark Duplass said in a statement. “Our love for the absurd and uncomfortable combined with his horror experience is the exact fit we wanted for our vision for the found-footage genre."
Submarine's Josh Braun negotiated the deal.