Jared Leto fans had their hearts crushed Monday when the actor debuted a clean cut for his new role as the Joker in the upcoming Warner Bros. film, “Suicide Squad.”
The actor, who rocked long locks and a beard for what seemed like forever, teased the possibility of saying goodbye to the ‘do on Instagram this weekend.
“Going going… #?” Leto posted along with a picture of himself in all his bearded glory.
Monday the threat came true, when “Suicide Squad” director David Ayer tweeted a photo of a short-haired, clean shaven Leto.
Should we? #SuicideSquad pic.twitter.com/Z0WlvtpDtH
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) March 2, 2015
#SuicideSquad pic.twitter.com/iv5WaSduKb
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) March 2, 2015
The hashtag #RIPJaredLetosHair trended for a time on Twitter as users shared their fond memories of the actor’s auburn mane.
I got on Twitter to say #RIPJaredLetosHair and it was already a suggestion for me. Again, holding a vigil for bae’s aka @JaredLeto‘s locks.
— Kayse Schmucker (@WhatTheSchmuck) March 2, 2015
stuck in traffic in cold nyc, aka NOT aruba, and THIS happens? way to kick me while i’m down, life #RIPJaredLetosHair pic.twitter.com/JEq0E47waS
— rishi (@rmagia) March 2, 2015
The Ombre and the beard are now in heaven looking down at @JaredLeto and saying “He wore us with pride..” #TheJokerRises #RIPJaredLetosHair
— #TheJokerRises (@JaredLetoTheory) March 2, 2015
*at school* *sees David Ayer‘s tweet* #RIPJaredLetoshair pic.twitter.com/v1Gnnvzive
— Tomo’s Beard 🙂 (@paloma_aleli) March 2, 2015
But just as many were impressed by how ridiculously good looking the clean-shaven Leto is now.
@DavidAyerMovies Thank you, you have redeemed us!!! *-* #DAMNHOT pic.twitter.com/ft1ncNx2py
— Echelon (@TabeaT30) March 2, 2015
“@DavidAyerMovies: #SuicideSquad pic.twitter.com/c1t3Gg7g5R”