Jane Lynch Praises Obama’s Gay-Rights Record in Campaign Ad (Video)

"Glee" star Jane Lynch says Obama has made "more significant advances for LGBT Americans than any other president who came before him"

Jane Lynch is lending President Barack Obama a hand, after Obama came out in favor of gay marriage.

The "Glee" star narrates a new campaign ad for Obama, in which she lauds his push for equality.

Also read: President Obama Supports Gay Marriage on ABC News

"In 2008 our country elected a leader who not only acknowledged the LGBT community, but who embraced it," Lynch's narration begins."We elected a man who understood our struggle and who has pushed the nation forward towards equality."

Lynch goes on to claim that Obama has made "more significant advances for LGBT Americans than any other president who came before him."

Also read: Jane Lynch Tells Republicans: "Money to Be Made in Gay Marriage" (Video)

Earlier this month, Obama gave his support to gay marriage during an interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts,

“I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama said.

Watch Lynch show her own support in kind in the video below.
