James Woods would like to make one thing crystal-clear: He’s no coke addict.
“Once Upon a Time in America” actor Woods has filed a $10 million lawsuit against an anonymous Twitter user for allegedly accusing Woods of being hooked on coke.
According to the suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday,, a Twitter user who goes under the handle Abe List has engaged in a campaign of “childish name-calling” against Woods since at least December 2014, calling him “prick,” “clown-boy,” “joke,” “ridiculous” and “scum.”
But according to Woods’ complaint it was a July 15 tweet reading “cocaine addict James Woods still sniffing and spouting” that put things over the line into suing territory.
“Woods is not now, nor has he ever been, a cocaine addict, and [Abe List] has no reason to believe otherwise,” the suit reads.
Woods’ suit claims that List’s “malicious behavior, through the worldwide use of the internet, has now jeopardized Woods’ good name and reputation on an international scale.”
Woods is alleging defamation and invasion of privacy by false light and asking for damages “in an amount not less than $10 million.”
That’s nothing to sniff at.
Pamela Chelin contributed to this report.