Kim Kardashian isn’t the only person willing to go topless in a music video for love — Seth Rogen bears his chest for James Franco in “Bound 3,” a shot-by-shot recreation of Kanye West’s “Bound 2” music video.
The “This Is the End” co-stars made the video (above), which debuted on Monday, during downtime on the set of Rogen’s next directorial effort, “The Interview.”
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Co-written and co-directed by Evan Goldberg, the new film follows a talk show host and his producer as they unwittingly get caught up in an international assassination plot to murder North Korea’s prime minister.
Rogen tweeted the video to engaged parents West and Kardashian, but neither has responded so far. Based on West’s reaction to a Jimmy Kimmel sketch about him earlier this year, he may not be pleased.
Curious to see just how spot-on Rogen and Franco’s recreation is? Here’s West’s “Bound 2” for comparison: