A mountain of late-night hosts: On Wednesday, Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah joined CBS’ James Corden on “The Late Late Show.” It was ViacomCBS synergy at its finest.
Also at a best was the “Daily Show” host’s over-the-top entrance, which delighted the few folks in studio, but had Corden concerned about the expense.
“That’s too much confetti,” Corden said at a certain point.
Wait til you see the pyro, dude.
“What was that?” a clearly annoyed Corden asked his guest, once Noah stopped hopping around like a lunatic. “Why did no one tell me about this?”
He had another key question: “I mean, how much did that cost? Who paid for that? What did we spend to do that, Rob?”
Director Rob replied: “$367,000.”
“That’s half a year’s budget!” Corden exclaimed. Oh dude, you’re gonna hate the encore.
Before Noah went for Round 2, he insulted Corden’s series as “a song-and-dance show.”
“We’re a bit more…particular,” Noah said of “The Daily Show.”
That adjective wasn’t very well-received.
Watch the video above.
Corden’s been having a pretty topical and funny week, especially on his Monday episode, which focused on Oprah Winfrey’s Sunday primetime sitdown with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
The only Brit on American late-night TV found a way to make the bombshell interview all about him.
“Among the many revelations last night in the interview, Harry and Meghan said they secretly got married three days before their public wedding. A public wedding I attended,” Corden said during his opening monologue on Monday’s “Late Late Show,” cutting to an image of him and his wife at the ceremony. “Yeah, yeah. And I got to tell you, I want my toaster back. That was a wedding present, not a three-days-after-the-wedding present. I didn’t actually, I got them a Nespresso. And then I turned up and saw Clooney was there and I thought, ‘Ah, no. That’s a double Nespresso.’ And then I thought, ‘Doesn’t matter, because Keurig is far superior.’”
Noah is hosting Sunday’s Grammy Awards on CBS, which start at 8 p.m.